Good afternoon,
This morning I stopped at the new Mountaineer Station parking garage and transportation center to see how things were progressing on the bike room and showers. In short, they're ready to use. The picture above shows what the room looks like with 18 hanging hooks along the wall and gym lockers (for storing riding clothes) on the opposite wall. The picture is taken from the back of the room looking toward the entry door. There's still plenty of room for a vending machine to dispense repair parts, and a small work area. The room will be unlocked but monitored with security camerasat all times. Commuters may lock their bike to the rack with their own rack, but may be asked to leave a key at the desk in the event the bike is left unused for too long. There is also an excellent shower and changing room which is also ready to use, with only some trim and finishing details remaining. According to Eric Rosie, facilities manager for the building, commuters will borrow a key for the shower from the desk attendant.

If you currently commute by bike and this facility is convenient for you I'd strongly recommend starting to use it as much and as you can to show that it is needed and appreciated. If you bike commute anywhere to WVU, and if this facility isn't convenient for you, please put a post in the comments. It would be particularly useful if you bike now and have to improvise a storage place. Mentyion which campus you are in and we'll contact the transportation dept to let them know that this facility is needed near you. They are excited about supporting bike commuters.
The only significant amenity left to finish is the outdoor bike parking rack area. This will be on the terrace in the picture below, with a roof covering it.

1 comment:
I bicycle commute to Ruby Memorial Hospital on a daily basis, but am coming in from the mileground. Unfortunately, using this facility would more than double my commute time, as I would have to ride past the hospital and through heavy traffic to get there. There is bicycle storage under the front canopy of the hospital, which is very convenient. I know there are a number of other commuters that I share the bike rack with. I assume the convenience of parking next to the front door is why we all park where we do.
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