Help Wanted:
We need volunteers for the following tasks to support our Fall membership drive...
Collect names and email addresses of past members, donors, volunteers for new mailing
Write newsletter to include in mailing and membership solicitation
Establish member/donor/volunteer/supporter database
Setup file backup and sharing system for office computers (Rsynch)
Solid Waste Symposium - Next Monday-Tuesday Oct 19-20 at Waterfront Place. There is a vendor exhibit area which is free to enter so that's where we'll be. Mon Cty Solid Waste has offered to post our flyers at their exhibit area, they'll even print them in color for us, so I'm sending them the materials electronically. Attendance is $150, $300 for a booth. Next year we expect to be asked to give a presentation so attendance will be free.
WE CAN of WVU has officially commissioned us to construct one of our generators for them. I turned in the invoice for last week's loan so the payment should arrive soon. Two more people have asked us to build units for them as well. Today I put out ads on Craigslist for training stands and discarded electric treadmills. If you have one please send it our way. The more recycled stuff we use the easier and cheaper it is to make these things.
I brought the donated laser printer into the office, hooked it up and it works. It's printing fine for now but I'm not sure how much toner is in it so if you have a cartridge laying around for an HP Laser (HP 92A Toner Cartridge, HP C4092A) please bring it by.
Shonda called from the Alliance for Biking and Walking to make sure we still plan on attending the Training Conference in Richmond, VA Nov 13-15. I confirmed that I am, but I'm not sure who else will be going. Any volunteers (where's Billy)? All expenses except meals are paid by scholarship.
On freecycle today there was a woodworking lathe being given away so I picked it up on speculation that we might be able to make generator rollers with it. If not I'll take it home. If anyone has experience using one of these things (or a set of cutting tools) please come by and show us what to do. Special thanks to Steve Knudsen for driving out to River Rd to pick it up.
Last nite's meeting at the Goshen Church for the Ridgedale Elem/Clinton Fire District "Bicycle Skills Clinic" went well. Thanks to Mary Ann for providing transportation to the meeting. My friend Mary Martin was there to represent the cub/boy scouts who will be helping us out. Since we've got plenty of time to plan I've started a project planning worksheet and posted it on the website for everyone to see and edit. (LINK)
Coming up:
Tomorrow I'll be in early to show our pedal generator to Sandy Cress, she wants one for the kids at "Our Studio". I think she'll be impressed with all the recycled content we now have. We've got our usual 6 students from WVU Industrial Engineering, plus Nicki coming to help out. We're looking for work for them to do by then.
Friday the shop will be closed, opening as usual 1pm Saturday. I'll be in about noon to get things ready.
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