Good evening,
I see it's been a few days since I've posted. Bet you'd like to hear what's going on. I've made contact with a few more charities, here's who wants bikes so far:
Christian Help, Rock Forge Neighborhood House, Scott's Run, Salvation Army, Boys/Girls Club. We've been steadily getting more bikes fixed up, currently we're concentrating mostly on kids' bikes (12, 16 and 20 in wheel size) I hope to get through the rest of those tomorrow. We've got a total of 21 bikes fixed up so far.
Check the web page for the schedule of workshop times this weekend. I'll be gone overnite Saturday for a company Christmas Party and I couldn't find a substitute shop manager so the times will be limited. Next weekend will be a busy one though. Please help if you can. I'll be planning another intro 1 hr bike class then too (probably Sat. AM). Email me if you're interested (
Tonite we had a Critical Mass ride around downtown then rode up University Ave. to the shop. Nine intrepid riders showed up for the ride, 5 of whom stayed to work on bikes. We moved a desk into the office area (donated by a Titan engineering company of Fairmont as they move to new offices and new furniture. They were kind enough to donate desks and chairs that they were leaving behind.) Thanks to John Lozier for getting a truck and volunteering to help get it here on the snowiest, coldest, iciest day of the year so far) We finished a couple more kids' bikes and cleared most of the bikes out of the kitchen so we can start staging finished bikes there for deliveries.
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped. We'll be mking some announcements in the next few days about a long-term direction that the board is working on. For now I'll say that we're anxious to set up a sustaining operation fixing donation and earn-a-bikes, while we begin to offer programs for the community (classes, outreach, school bike clubs).
Hope to see you at the shop this weekend.
Thanks again to all of you for making this Christmas special for so many people.
O o