Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bike Maintenance/Tuneup class Friday (11/25) 4pm

Just a reminder that there will be a 1 hr bike tuneup/maint class Friday (11/25) at the shop. If you are planning to attend please let me know (Nick 599-1791) so I know how many chairs to put out.

Today I worked in the shop with a volunteer (a co-worker) and managed to clear enough space so we can build the bike shelves along the walls in the basement storeroom. I've listed the lumber we need on the wish list of this blog site. We also got the metal shelf fully assembled and in position. I started putting up some more of the hook boards and hope to finish tomorrow.
We are doing some shelf construction in the storage rooms to make room for more bikes. Once we get the bike shelves built we'll have room for about 40 adult bikes and 40 kids' bikes in the storage rooms alone.

The bikes to be repaired are now all sitting out in the workshop/classroom area. There are currently about 74 bikes in the shop waiting for repair. I'd like to shoot for getting 50 of them out by Christmas.

Here's the full schedule for the rest of this weekend

1 pm - Board Meeting
4-5pm - Bike maint/tuneup class
5-8pm - Bike repair worktime

10am-5pm - Bike repair worktime

Sunday 12-5pm
10am-5pm - Bike repair worktime

Thanks on Thanksgiving.

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