Saturday, April 09, 2011

9 Apr - More about what we do, and how we do it

Good morning,
My last editorial, which I put here and in the monthly newsletter, generated a few email responses showing that others do recognize and appreciate what we do here.  Let me make a few suggestions to get these comments out where everybody can discuss them.  First, if you have comments about anything mentioned in the newsletter or the blog please post them in the comments here.  That way everyone can benefit from your thoughts and the exchange will help us direct our efforts where they will do the most good, and inspire others - even those in other cities.
Now, about how we do things.  In the absence of a discussion forum I've made many decisions and taken many actions on my own.  But that doesn't mean I'm doing them surreptitiously.  I've lived in 5 different states in my lifetime, all of them were among the 10 most bike-friendly in the country.  (WV is 48th this year).  In my home state of Wisconsin, in particular, I've seen conditions for biking rise from what they were in 1975 (similar to the conditions in WV now) to some of the best in the country.  I know some of the people who were instrumental in that long, slow change and they've talked to me about how they did it.  In addition I get input from the national organizations that we are members of - the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) and the Alliance for Biking and Walking (ABW).  These organizations collect and distribute "best practices" and demographic information to help all cities get the tremendous benefits that come from supporting non-motorized transportation (not just recreation).  And every year I attend the LAB Bike Summit in Washington DC where advocates, planners and participants share what they've learned in their localities about what works best for non-motorized transportation.
The only place where I don't get a lot of input is Morgantown.  Sure, there are a few people who have made comments.  But I want this to be a lively (and friendly) discussion - I don't need to hear myself talk, but I'm happy to share what I know when it can help.  So please use the comment feature of this blog and share your interests, hopes, plans and opinions on what we can do with the resources we have to make Morgantown transportation more sustainable.
Thank you for your passion, concern and action.

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