Wednesday, December 29, 2010

29 Dec - Shop Open Today 1-5pm

Good morning,
I'll be in the shop from 1-5pm today for appointments with several people who have called in the past few days.  I invite any customers or volunteers to come in during that time.  This is the only time this week we will be open.  Next week on Wednesday we will begin our Winter hours - Wed 1-7pm and Sat 1-5pm.
Now that the Christmas drive is over we'll begin working on bikes for the showroom and for the tradeup day in April.  Looking forward to seeing you.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

26 Dec - Merry Christmas

Hope this update finds you in good spirits from the holidays.  Positive Spin received a very generous unrestricted cash gift from an area family that will put us in a little better position to get through the Winter.  We can still use your membership or other cash contributions, we're not totally out of the woods yet - but we can see to the end.  I also want to thank John Barnes of Cheat Lake Heating and Cooling for coming in Christmas Eve to install our water heater.  When everything's done we'll have hot water in the sink, a shower and laundry for volunteers who have to commute some distance and want to smell nice when they start work.  John is also the hero who moved our furnace into the shop/showroom so that we can work in warm comfort.  Thanks also to the many volunteers who have helped us move into the new Marilla Park building and make it a place where people connect with each other, and sustainable transportation they can afford.
In the coming week I'll be sending out membership cards to those of you who have joined, preparing the year-end report (including financial report) and planning for the year's calendar.  I'll also be applying for grants to help us cover operating expenses and expand our recycling and education programs.  If you have time we could really use your help - particularly with report and grant writing.  We could also really use a membership coordinator to track and communicate with members.  Of course we'll be in the shop working on bikes as well over the next week - in short all kinds of help are welcome.  Call if you can help.
Wishing you Peace in your heart, home and world - today and throughout the year.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

16 Dec - Christian Help Toy Drive a Success

The Bikes
On Wednesday we delivered 79 bikes to the armory for the Christian Help Christmas Toy Drive - our 6th year of involvement.  In spite of starting late we had the largest collection ever, and the most volunteers ever, resulting in a record number of bikes fixed up.  In addition there were 6 new and 2 used bikes dropped off at the armory (all of which required some minor repairs and adjustments from us) for a total of 84  bikes waiting to go to new homes at Christmas time.  Thanks to all of you who helped in any way, it took all of you to make it such a big success.

The Move Crew
Special thanks to Bill Jones, Ken Rice and Will Ravenscroft who provided the vehicles and labor to get the bikes there.  Special thanks to ace mechanics Daniele from the WVU cycling team and MHS student Alex who worked all afternoon on Wednesday doing the final checks to make sure the bikes were ready.  And as always thanks to Tau Beta Pi who have worked with us from the first year, and who once again donated the new helmets that were given away with the bikes.  John Kuhlman, faculty advisor, and Claire Mueller, VP and bike project chair, put exceptional and cheerful effort into getting everything together and making things happen.

The Armory
In spite of the supply there were several families who would have liked to get bikes, but didn't have room to take them home.  Next year we are looking into providing delivery to those who need it.  In the few days since the drive there have been 4 more bikes delivered to such families, bringing the total number of bikes delivered to nearly 80.  Thanks again to everyone who helped in every way.
The Remains of the Day - 9 bikes out of 84 weren't taken

Thursday, December 09, 2010

9 Dec - Emergency Organizational Meeting

We'll be holding an emergency business meeting at the shop tomorrow (Friday Dec 10) at 5pm to discuss how to get out of and stay out of the financial hole we're in. We've been helping the community for 5 years, we need people to step up and help us - serving as officers, staff and fundraisers - if we are to continue. ... Most significantly we need someone to perform the duties of board President (even if only for a few months) while we build a functioning board. There will be a social event afterwards. I've been asking people to do this for 5 years, it's crunch time now. We risk legal trouble if it isn't done. Thanks.

Friday, December 03, 2010

3 Dec - Christmas is Coming

On December 15th we'll be delivering about 70 bikes to the Armory for Christian Help's Annual Toy Drive. We'd like to celebrate by throwing a pot-luck party to thank all the people who have helped us continue to do this (now in our 6th year). We'll have live music and presentations. There will be drawings and door prizes.  Bring the whole family and all your friends.  There's room for everyone.

It's also a time we need to ask for your financial help. Due to our partial closure this year we've come to the end of the bike season with our bank account so low that we won't be able to continue unless we get additional income. We aren't asking for donations, all we are asking is that you get a membership (or give one as a gift). You'll get 10% discounts at local shops (Adventure's Edge, Pathfinder, Wamsley) and the money will help us meet our goal of reducing traffic and improving quality of life in Morgantown through sustainable transportation. We need at least 50 new memberships to get us through December. If we get 100 we'll have plenty to get through to next Spring. We're counting on your help - join, give memberships and spread the word to your friends. If you can't come to the party you can join or donate online at our website.  Cash donations are also welcome.
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