Friday, April 22, 2011

21 April - Happy Earth Day

Positive Spin information table at Student Sierra Club's "Green on the Green" festival.
Good morning,
Today is Earth Day.  Positive Spin's basic mission is creating a better world, starting with Morgantown and beginning with more sustainable transportation.  We're partners with many other environmental organization for this reason and yesterday all of the local environmental organizations were invited to the Mountain Lair to share our message with students.  I had to leave at 3:30 to get back to the shop and many more students were expected to view the displays later after the band was to begin playing.  The Daily had this article discussing the event.
Environmental Policy students discussing Positive Spin to their classmates
On the same day, students from Dr. Susan Hunter's Environmental Policy class were making their final presentation for their class project.  This has been the best group of student volunteers we've ever had the pleasure of working with.  I've put their presentation online at this link so I don't have to describe it in detail, but they've been an active part of 3 of our events in addition to putting on one of their own - and conducting transportation surveys and researching local government commitments to sustainable transportation.  Thanks to Ali Jeney who led the group, and to all the group members who went way above and beyond the call of their class to help spread the message and the actions that Positive Spin stands for. 
If you're looking for something Earthwhile to do today, consider coming to the Friends of Deckers Creek Spring Meltdown tonite at the WV Brewing Company in Morgantown.   Positive Spin has donated a Trek Hybrid bike worth $180 for their auction.

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