Good afternoon,
Yesterday a group of volunteers showed up to help clear and clean the basement of the Sabreton School so we can get moved in. Big thanks to Kenny, Bill, Jennifer and Todd who put their hands and hearts into helping get the place cleaned up. You can see from the before/after pictures what a difference they made. Enough area has been cleared to fit the shop and showroom, now we still need to clean it up and do the demolition and carpentry to make it a working business. Below is the CAD drawing showing the plan. We'll have the showroom and store at the front with the shop behind it. At the back of the big room will be a classroom area. In the long room next door we'll store bikes that we are now keeping at the warehouse. This facility will enable us to have everything in one location so we don't have to run back and forth through the horrible traffic (that we're trying to reduce).
Next weekend will be the big move-in day and we'll need lots of help finishing the cleanout, cleanup and moving. If you have time here's what we still need to do. Call 304-276-0213 to volunteer.
Task List
- Clean floors and walls, mop up water- Repaint as needed
- Set up shop area in center of Big room (stands, toolboards, worktables)
- Set up shelves for parts in shop area
- Set up showroom area
- Move pottery from bike storage area to upstairs storage room.
- Remove shelves, clear and dispose of wreckage
- Move repair bikes into small roomOffsite activities (need vehicles):
- Haul trash
- Bring bikes, parts, tools in from old shop and warehouse
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