My internet access has been limited this week so I haven't been able to update as often as I'd like. Since Monday the classes have been going well. We've ironed out the helmet distribution process, gotten more volunteers for marshalling the course and guiding the students through it. Several more students have learned to ride for the first time, and others have had such a good time in the class that they've gotten teacher permission to come back and help out during their study hall. On Tuesday nite I went riding with new road riders from the local bike shop (Eastern Panhandle Bike Company - Brian Weber prop). Here's the picture we took at the end of the ride, a beautiful 15 miler on backroads - it even smelled beautiful out there.

The kids in these classes have been great, even when they're trying not to be. My job is to teach and not to discipline so when there's a problem I send the student to the teacher. But my challenge then becomes to engage the students well enough so they are more interested in the lesson than in causing disruption. I'm working from a local coffee shop now where they've been feeding me custom salads and green smoothies along with the internet access. I'll be leaving tonite for Connecticut to judge the College HPV design/race competition. As I type this I'm thinking about all the friends I've made in this brief time - My homestay host Tim Hott, Brian from the bike shop, the teachers, students and baristas. I probably won't see most of them again, but it's good to know that if I do it will be meeting with happy memories. I'm tearing up a little now as I'm listening to "Who says you can't go home" on the radio. Will see you Monday when I get home. 'Til then I'll post as internet access permits. Have a great day, and a great ride to go with it.
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