Positive Spin promotes community-friendly transportation (walking, biking, busing and carpools) in Morgantown ,WV. Ask about our youth Bike and Pedestrian safety clinics for schools and community groups. Our instructor is certified by the League of American Bicyclists' for its nation-wide curriculum.
GRANTWRITERS!! We need your help - there are many grant opportunities coming our way but we need people with time and experience to apply for them.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Mar 28 - Getting people out on bikes
Yesterday was busy at the shop. It seems as though everybody in town decided that they wanted a bike at 3pm. It was just Will and I trying to help "too many" customers. A wonderful problem to have, but I hope more of you out there will consider coming in to volunteer on Saturdays. There's always work to be done and with you there to do it we're more free to help customers - all of us will be getting more people on bikes more often. It was a beautiful day, so I got some riding in myself - running errands and helping out at "Our Studio" where I'm also a board member. They're moving to a new (smaller) location just off High Street. They can use your help today if you can spare some time. More info at www.ourstudio.com.
Collections for the "Bikes for the World" shipment are going well. We're about halfway to a full truckload with 2 months left to go. Donations have started coming in for our Spring bike collection and we expect many more in the coming weeks. We'll be open 1-5 Monday-Sat this week during Spring Break. If you have some time please come in and help out (call a day or so in advance if you can).
Here's a link to a friend's site - Greg Kolodziejzyk is an ultra-marathon athlete who is building a boat that he will pedal across the Pacific Ocean from Canada to Hawaii this Summer. Greg is like the Steve Fossett of human power. This is a video tour of the ocean-crossing boat:
He is currently conducting sea trials, read more at his blog.
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