Sunday, March 05, 2006

5 March Update

Good evening,
Just returned from DC on Friday night. It was an incredible experience, I would strongly recommend coming along next year to anyone thinking about it. There were 350 other fit and energized cyclists in the room - with a fascinating range of other common interests too. I spent Thursday lobbying on Capitol Hill (just like the defense contractors) as the only delegate from WV. I met with aides from the offices of Mollohan, Rayhall, Byrd and Rockefeller. All were interested in doing what it takes to get more West Virginians off their butts and out of their cars to get some fresh air and exercise while they go to work.

On the other days I saw seminars on liveable cities, trails, safe routes and a zillion other topics. I would like to do a group presentation if there's interest. Email me at to give your opinion. More later.


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