Today we had another small group, but they were enthusiastic and got a lot done. We had Tyler (my 10 yo neighbor), Tony (a New Orleans evacuee) and Dan and Beth (local car-free citizens and activists). Tyler helped me get more hookboards put up to hang extra wheels and we now have them all off the floors and hanging on walls (until we find more). Tony was fantastic at going through the kids bikes, changing the tires and giving them a general checkup. Tyler was also our chief pilot for test rides. Dan and Beth worked away at cleaning up the bikes as we got them done. Our "finished" pile is slowly getting bigger - we now have about 20 bikes done and 50 more to go.
Tonite in our church bulletin I read that Christian Help's program will be Dec 15th - only 2 weeks away(!). I'll have more workshops next weekend, but that will probably be our last chance to get bikes ready. Look for schedule times on the webpage and please help as much as you can.
At the end of the day we were able to hand out 2 (earned) bikes to area car-free residents who will be using them for transportation. Thanks to everyone who came out and all who are helping in other ways. Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. My thanks to you for making Positive Spin a reality.