Good morning,
I'll be in the shop from 1-5pm today for appointments with several people who have called in the past few days. I invite any customers or volunteers to come in during that time. This is the only time this week we will be open. Next week on Wednesday we will begin our Winter hours - Wed 1-7pm and Sat 1-5pm.
Now that the Christmas drive is over we'll begin working on bikes for the showroom and for the tradeup day in April. Looking forward to seeing you.
Positive Spin promotes community-friendly transportation (walking, biking, busing and carpools) in Morgantown ,WV. Ask about our youth Bike and Pedestrian safety clinics for schools and community groups. Our instructor is certified by the League of American Bicyclists' for its nation-wide curriculum. GRANTWRITERS!! We need your help - there are many grant opportunities coming our way but we need people with time and experience to apply for them.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
26 Dec - Merry Christmas
In the coming week I'll be sending out membership cards to those of you who have joined, preparing the year-end report (including financial report) and planning for the year's calendar. I'll also be applying for grants to help us cover operating expenses and expand our recycling and education programs. If you have time we could really use your help - particularly with report and grant writing. We could also really use a membership coordinator to track and communicate with members. Of course we'll be in the shop working on bikes as well over the next week - in short all kinds of help are welcome. Call if you can help.
Wishing you Peace in your heart, home and world - today and throughout the year.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
16 Dec - Christian Help Toy Drive a Success
The Bikes |
The Move Crew |
The Armory |
The Remains of the Day - 9 bikes out of 84 weren | 't taken |
Thursday, December 09, 2010
9 Dec - Emergency Organizational Meeting
We'll be holding an emergency business meeting at the shop tomorrow (Friday Dec 10) at 5pm to discuss how to get out of and stay out of the financial hole we're in. We've been helping the community for 5 years, we need people to step up and help us - serving as officers, staff and fundraisers - if we are to continue. ... Most significantly we need someone to perform the duties of board President (even if only for a few months) while we build a functioning board. There will be a social event afterwards. I've been asking people to do this for 5 years, it's crunch time now. We risk legal trouble if it isn't done. Thanks.
Friday, December 03, 2010
3 Dec - Christmas is Coming
On December 15th we'll be delivering about 70 bikes to the Armory for Christian Help's Annual Toy Drive. We'd like to celebrate by throwing a pot-luck party to thank all the people who have helped us continue to do this (now in our 6th year). We'll have live music and presentations. There will be drawings and door prizes. Bring the whole family and all your friends. There's room for everyone.
It's also a time we need to ask for your financial help. Due to our partial closure this year we've come to the end of the bike season with our bank account so low that we won't be able to continue unless we get additional income. We aren't asking for donations, all we are asking is that you get a membership (or give one as a gift). You'll get 10% discounts at local shops (Adventure's Edge, Pathfinder, Wamsley) and the money will help us meet our goal of reducing traffic and improving quality of life in Morgantown through sustainable transportation. We need at least 50 new memberships to get us through December. If we get 100 we'll have plenty to get through to next Spring. We're counting on your help - join, give memberships and spread the word to your friends. If you can't come to the party you can join or donate online at our website. Cash donations are also welcome.
Publish Post
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
21 Nov - A Family Affair
Good morning,
This family came to the shop last week with their kids, the Dad wanted to help fix bikes and is an experienced mechanic. All of them wanted to be able to ride together. Mom and Dad have been wanting to do it for 15 years - and with a little scrambling we were able to find bikes and a trailer for everyone. They rode happily together out the gate on their first family ride ever. This is the sort of thing that we consider a big success at Positive Spin.
The ride didn't go very far, the kids all wanted to play at the skate park and they never got any further. Maybe next time.
This family came to the shop last week with their kids, the Dad wanted to help fix bikes and is an experienced mechanic. All of them wanted to be able to ride together. Mom and Dad have been wanting to do it for 15 years - and with a little scrambling we were able to find bikes and a trailer for everyone. They rode happily together out the gate on their first family ride ever. This is the sort of thing that we consider a big success at Positive Spin.
The ride didn't go very far, the kids all wanted to play at the skate park and they never got any further. Maybe next time.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Nov 11- How WV can make biking mainstream
Update: We had another great day in the shop. We received a donation of ceiling tiles that will cover 2/3 of the ceiling. Still looking for another 50 tiles to finish it off. If you have any please consider donating them. It keeps us a lot warmer on cold days and nites. Thanks to whoever delivered them and Ron, Chuck, Jim and a few others who risked the threat of death by dust to get them in.
Check out these articles from YES! magazine this month...
An interstate bicycle route system for the US
Check out these articles from YES! magazine this month...
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
9 Nov - Not just bikes
Although most people think about Positive Spin for bikes, our mission is to also support citizens who walk, use transit and carpool. This article in YES! magazine gives specific advice on how people are sharing their cars in more effective ways. Check it out if you would like to use your car less, but can't give it up yet. Here's a quote from the article:
Still need a car for some trips? Instead of buying one, you can join a carsharing service. Between 2007 and 2009, membership in North American services like Zipcar and the nonprofit City Carshare rose by 117 percent—and is projected to hit 4.4 million within six years.
Still need a car for some trips? Instead of buying one, you can join a carsharing service.
Own a set of wheels? You can still share them. We’re seeing a proliferation of new peer-to-peer carsharing services like RelayRides, Spride Share, and WhipCar, which let you rent your car directly to strangers or share a single car among several friends. Let’s say, for example, that you’re visiting Cambridge, Mass., for a day and need a car for touring the city. You’d look at the RelayRides website, find the nearest participant who is renting out her car, check availability and reserve the time, and then go get your ride. There are also many new companies—such as Avego, Zebigo, and Carticipate—that connect carpoolers over the Internet.
The environmental benefits of carsharing are enormous. Research by the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan estimates that, “on average, each shared vehicle replaced 15 personally owned vehicles in 2009 and carsharing members drove 31 percent less than when they owned a personal vehicle. These two factors translate into 482,170 fewer tons of CO2 emissions and less travel congestion in urban areas.”
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
3 Nov - Anatomy of a (minor) crash
Good morning,
I had a minor crash this morning while riding my Motobecane into Morgantown in the dark and it was a reminder to me about a simple, but profoundly helpful, riding habit. I was coming down a slight hill on an alley with speed bumps. The speed bumps weren't marked in any way so I didn't see this one and hit it with my hands lightly on the bars, and holding the brake levers. My immediate instinct was to grip the bars to keep from slipping off forward - when I did so I pulled the front brake, throwing me over the handlebars. I was mostly uninjured because I kept my arms out in front of me, Superman style, and landed on the (smooth, paved) ground impacting my elbow, hands and thigh.
The habit I would recommend is that you don't put your hand on the front brake unless you plan on using it. Some of you 24hr MTB riders might have additional advice on this. I also plan to do the following to prevent other incidents.
- Get a better light
- Ask the property owner to paint the speedbump
- Ride my recumbent more.
- Practice riding down bumpy descents
It was also a reminder that 80% of crashes don't involve any other vehicle, that means the prevention is completely within our control by learning to ride safer.
I had a minor crash this morning while riding my Motobecane into Morgantown in the dark and it was a reminder to me about a simple, but profoundly helpful, riding habit. I was coming down a slight hill on an alley with speed bumps. The speed bumps weren't marked in any way so I didn't see this one and hit it with my hands lightly on the bars, and holding the brake levers. My immediate instinct was to grip the bars to keep from slipping off forward - when I did so I pulled the front brake, throwing me over the handlebars. I was mostly uninjured because I kept my arms out in front of me, Superman style, and landed on the (smooth, paved) ground impacting my elbow, hands and thigh.
The habit I would recommend is that you don't put your hand on the front brake unless you plan on using it. Some of you 24hr MTB riders might have additional advice on this. I also plan to do the following to prevent other incidents.
- Get a better light
- Ask the property owner to paint the speedbump
- Ride my recumbent more.
- Practice riding down bumpy descents
It was also a reminder that 80% of crashes don't involve any other vehicle, that means the prevention is completely within our control by learning to ride safer.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
30 October - Make a Difference Day
Good evening,
Today we were assisted by 7 United Way volunteers (and 1 from Tau Beta Pi) in kicking off the Christmas Toy Drive effort. Volunteers helped sort and move bikes (35 counted so far) and clean/ inspect/ repair 16 of them. Special thanks to all who showed up, and Brandy (along with an anonymous assistant) who dropped off the lunches. This week we'll be turning on the gas heat, starting the Fall Bike Collection, having a retreat at the Black Bear (Tuesday 6pm) and teaching a class at MTEC on Thurday morning. Call if you can volunteer to help or attend any of the events.
This past weekend, right above the shop there was a Cyclocross race going on. Read here if you want to learn more: (more pictures on Facebook at!/bstephens?v=photos)
This Thursday nite at 8:30pm there's a great mountain biking flick at the Hollywood theater: It tells the story of the annual Leadville 100 race, and the woman who won it this year.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
27 Oct - Today's events
On Sunday Channel 12 WBOY-TV just aired a great story about us , highlighting how our bikes help Bartlett House residents find homes of their own. The good news is that the residents who were interviewed have been taking good advantage of their bikes to find work and other supportive opportunities. The bad news is that the person who was scheduled to show up didn't make it because he went on a drinking binge and his bike was stolen. I know this has happened before, I'd like to find a way we could keep it from happening again. Any ideas?
This week the statewide Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) conference is happening in Morgantown. After today's sessions there was a bike ride around town to show local successes and challenges for bike transportation. Since the ride ended early there was time to tour Positive Spin before the picnic dinner. A surprising number of conference attendees bike, several commute by bike and one rode the unicycle and tallbike in our shop. At the picnic afterward (in Marilla Park) I got to know some of the attendees a little better (their kids too).
These events are coming up in the coming weeks:
Friday Oct 30 - Bike Board education committee meeting (I'll be attending to suggest ways to put youth bike education in the next Transportation Enhancements grant application)
Saturday Oct 31 - Make a Difference Day - We'll have 25 volunteers available to do work we need done around the place from noon to 4pm. I could use some additional (experienced) volunteers to help supervise this group. Please call the shop if you can help out.
Saturday Nov 13 - Our Fall Bike Drive starts next week and we hope to start getting bikes donated in large quantities again. We've arranged with Mon County Solid Waste to collect bikes at the Football game against Cincinnati. They'll have volunteers rounding up bikes at the parking lots, but we'll need help at the shop to process them when they're brought in. Please consider helping out.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oct 20 - Grand Opening Party this Friday
UPDATE: Live music will be provided by local folk singer Jim Savarino from 6-8pm. See samples of his music at his website:
Good afternoon,
It's been 5 years since we started helping Morgantown citizens go places under their own power and along with the fact that we're in a new location it seems like a good time for a celebration. If you can help with setup, publicity, music or anything else please call the shop. If not, please print the poster and put it up at your favorite hangouts. Either way come join us on Friday for the celebration.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
23 Sep - Time for a party: Oct 9, 1-7pm at Marilla Park
Positive Spin has now been in business for 5 years, this is a big milestone for us. Five years ago at this time Hurricane Katrina had just hit and we started to collect and repair bikes for relief aid. We sent 50 bikes on a truck with other relief supplies, and John Lozier and I drove to "Plan B" in New Orleans French Quarter to unload and repair bikes for local residents and relief workers. Upon our return to Morgantown we were given enough workspace and bikes to continue recycling locally, and decided to include sustainable transportation in our mission with a goal of reducing vehicle miles travelled by 80% in the Morgantown area before 2040. This seems like a good time to invite our volunteers, past and present, to a party to christen our new location and show our appreciation for all the help we've received.and plan for our continued growth. We need volunteers to help with this though. If you can help with planning, publicizing, recruiting or anything else please call the shop or email
Update - Oct 6: We've booked the Jenny Wilson Jazz Trio to play for the afternoon. I've scheduled a planning meeting for tonite from 5-7pm at the Marilla shop. If we don't have adequate interest or help the party will be postponed.
Monday, September 06, 2010
6 Sep - Big move is complete!
Thanks to help from volunteers (and their trucks) we got everything moved out of the warehouse Saturday and into the Marilla location. A few things remain at the old shop, where I will continue to keep the office until we get phone and internet in Marilla. Thanks to Candace, Dave, Colin, Sandy (and grandkids), Jen, John, Ken, Bill, Tiger Joe, Dan and anyone I might have missed. We sold our first bike - a bright red Specialized Rockhopper to a new student who will be using it for transportation around campus. More pictures and details coming soon.
Friday, September 03, 2010
3 Sep - Now Open, still moving
Good morning,
After 2 days of operation in our new location we've served 4 customers and had help from about a half-dozen volunteers. There's still much to do though and we can use your help. The picture above is our first customer, Julie Bossart, who came by to drop of a bike for donation. We're having a workday tomorrow from 10am-5pm, meet at the Marilla store to get an assignment. Much of the work will be moving, sorting, building and repairing bikes. This won't happen without your help, so if you're staying in town for Labor Day and want to get away from game craziness we're just what you're looking for. Call the shop to let us know when you're coming and we can have work ready for you.
After 2 days of operation in our new location we've served 4 customers and had help from about a half-dozen volunteers. There's still much to do though and we can use your help. The picture above is our first customer, Julie Bossart, who came by to drop of a bike for donation. We're having a workday tomorrow from 10am-5pm, meet at the Marilla store to get an assignment. Much of the work will be moving, sorting, building and repairing bikes. This won't happen without your help, so if you're staying in town for Labor Day and want to get away from game craziness we're just what you're looking for. Call the shop to let us know when you're coming and we can have work ready for you.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
1 Sep - Opening Day
Good evening,
Tomorrow will be our first day doing business at our new location in Marilla Park. The address is 801 E Brockway, Morgantown. To get there go down the road that goes past the skate park until it ends and drive through the gate. Hours will be Wed 1-7pm, Th-Sat 1-5pm. Come visit, hang out, help out or just ride around on the indoor riding course. See you there. We will be announcing a Grand Opening celebration date soon.
Tomorrow will be our first day doing business at our new location in Marilla Park. The address is 801 E Brockway, Morgantown. To get there go down the road that goes past the skate park until it ends and drive through the gate. Hours will be Wed 1-7pm, Th-Sat 1-5pm. Come visit, hang out, help out or just ride around on the indoor riding course. See you there. We will be announcing a Grand Opening celebration date soon.
Monday, August 30, 2010
30 Aug - Almost ready
Good morning,
We got a good start on the move this weekend, but we never got a truck to move the big things and only about 8 people showed up to help. We've got everything at the new place that we need to open for business on Wednesday, but some of it still has to be setup. If you can help please call and we'll arrange a time. Here's the work that remains to be done.
Inside jobs
Rent or Borrow a big truck
Get boxes from recycling center
Pack and move stuff from warehouse (includes a large display cabinet)
Dismantle fixtures at old shopshop(wheel/tire racks, remove slotwall)
Pack and move stuff from shop (includes large parts shelves, tables part cart)
Setup toolboards/worktables along W wall of SE room
Outside Work
Rake and sweep paved areas and parking lot
Clear and remove brush around building
Check that culvert is clear to drain free
Clean gutters
A big THANKS!! to everyone who showed up - Chauncy, Jen, Bill, Kenny, Daniel, The Wiles Hill family (forgot names), John and anyone I forgot to mention.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
28 Aug - Update
Good morning,
Due to mechanical problems with the truck we had planned to use we were unable to do much of the work we had planned for last nite. It doesn't look like the truck will be working today either, and with Marilla Park closed for theSprint , Splash and Spin we wouldn't be able to get a vehicle in to the building anyway so we'll spend today doing the cleanup. Here's the updated task plan. We hope you can volunteer to help. Call 304-276-0213 if you have any other questions.
Saturday - arrive 10am, Marilla Park
Park in upper lot, walk to our building
Clear out debris, load into dumpster or truck
Collect misc lumber and stack in one place
Sweep all areas, mop all areas, dry out standing water
Saturday - Outside activities
Rake and sweep paved areas and parking lot
Clear and remove brush around building
Check that culvert is clear to drain free
Rent or Borrow a big truck
Get boxes from recycling center
Pack and move stuff from warehouse (includes a large display cabinet)
Dismantle fixtures at shop(wheel/tire racks, remove slotwall)
Pack and move stuff from shop (includes large parts shelves, tables part cart)
Move/setup all showroom bikes and displays into SE room
Move part shelves into middle of SE room to form partition
Setup toolboards/worktables along W wall of SE room
Open for business
Thanks! We're looking forward to working with you, making this a fun and worthwhile new phase for sustainable transportation in Morgantown.
Due to mechanical problems with the truck we had planned to use we were unable to do much of the work we had planned for last nite. It doesn't look like the truck will be working today either, and with Marilla Park closed for the
Saturday - arrive 10am, Marilla Park
Park in upper lot, walk to our building
Clear out debris, load into dumpster or truck
Collect misc lumber and stack in one place
Sweep all areas, mop all areas, dry out standing water
Saturday - Outside activities
Rake and sweep paved areas and parking lot
Clear and remove brush around building
Check that culvert is clear to drain free
Rent or Borrow a big truck
Get boxes from recycling center
Pack and move stuff from warehouse (includes a large display cabinet)
Dismantle fixtures at shop(wheel/tire racks, remove slotwall)
Pack and move stuff from shop (includes large parts shelves, tables part cart)
Move/setup all showroom bikes and displays into SE room
Move part shelves into middle of SE room to form partition
Setup toolboards/worktables along W wall of SE room
Open for business
Thanks! We're looking forward to working with you, making this a fun and worthwhile new phase for sustainable transportation in Morgantown.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
27 Aug - The Move is on, Starting Tonite
Good evening,
Last minute change of plans - same schedule, different venue. We found the Sabreton School too leaky, but BOPARC has graciously offered us the old Habitat ReStore location in Marilla Park a few blocks away in Sabreton. This will be a great location, right next to the trail and lots of othertraffic .
Update: On Thursday morning Marc Wise gave myself and Bill Jones a walk-through of the building. Everything looks great for a weekend move, although since theSprint , Splash and Spin will be going on Saturday we want to do all the heavy moving on Friday nite (after the kids' race) so we can just work onsite Saturday and won't need to have vehicles coming and going. We'll need volunteers at both times, we'd appreciate it if you can bring things like hammers, drills/screwdrivers, pushbrooms, mops, rakes, pruning shears and saws as needed for the work to be done (label your personal tools clearly). Here are the other details:
Friday - arrive 7pm, warehouse
Get boxes from recycling center
Pack and move stuff from warehouse (includes a large display cabinet)
Dismantle fixtures at shop(wheel/tire racks, remove slotwall)
Pack and move stuff from shop (includes large parts shelves, tables part cart)
Saturday - arrive 10am, Marilla Park
Park in upper lot, walk to our building
Clear out debris, load into dumpster or truck
Collect misc lumber and stack in one place
Sweep all areas, mop all areas, dry out standing water
Move/setup all showroom bikes and displays into SE room
Move part shelves into middle of SE room to form partition
Setup toolboards/worktables along W wall of SE room
Open for business
Saturday - Outside activities
Rake and sweep paved areas and parking lot
Clear and remove brush around building
Check that culvert is clear to drain freely
Thanks! We're looking forward to working with you, making this a fun and worthwhile new phase for sustainable transportation in Morgantown.
Last minute change of plans - same schedule, different venue. We found the Sabreton School too leaky, but BOPARC has graciously offered us the old Habitat ReStore location in Marilla Park a few blocks away in Sabreton. This will be a great location, right next to the trail and lots of other
Update: On Thursday morning Marc Wise gave myself and Bill Jones a walk-through of the building. Everything looks great for a weekend move, although since the
Friday - arrive 7pm, warehouse
Get boxes from recycling center
Pack and move stuff from warehouse (includes a large display cabinet)
Dismantle fixtures at shop(wheel/tire racks, remove slotwall)
Pack and move stuff from shop (includes large parts shelves, tables part cart)
Saturday - arrive 10am, Marilla Park
Park in upper lot, walk to our building
Clear out debris, load into dumpster or truck
Collect misc lumber and stack in one place
Sweep all areas, mop all areas, dry out standing water
Move/setup all showroom bikes and displays into SE room
Move part shelves into middle of SE room to form partition
Setup toolboards/worktables along W wall of SE room
Open for business
Saturday - Outside activities
Rake and sweep paved areas and parking lot
Clear and remove brush around building
Check that culvert is clear to drain freely
Thanks! We're looking forward to working with you, making this a fun and worthwhile new phase for sustainable transportation in Morgantown.
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